How would you go about making an extra $500 a month (outside of your normal salary)?

Ooh I'll tell my story.

17 or so. Was drunk. Stoned. Friend asked me to score him some coke. I took his $100, my six pack of bud light in bottles, and headed to the coke spot. Put the beer under my flannel next to me in my truck. In my hidden steering wheel compartment I had a scale and a handful of dime bags. I was also on probation for alcohol and drug charges. I was not a smart man.

I got pulled over for speeding. Like 43 in a 30. A 2nd cop immediately shows up. I had a reputation in my small town as a small drug dealer and general scumbag. Oh. In the bed of my pickup, that had a canopy, there were dozens and dozens of empty mickeys 40's and grenades. We had just gone camping a week or two prior and my truck was the trash can apparently.

So I'm drunk. Have an open container of beer. Speeding. Drugs. Packaged to distrubute. Scale. Probation. And fear. I'm sure I'm going to prison. Like done done done over I lose do not pass go fucked in the ass prison. I notice the lady cop shining her light in the bed of my truck and she's looking at the bottles. First thing the dude cop says to me is "you been drinking tonight Anon?" I laugh and said I wish. He makes a face but he grinned. Small town cops generally didn't want to bust kids on alcohol charges because they were from that small town and they got it. As long as you weren't causing problems they usually left it alone.

So I'm sunk right?

Nope. Nothing fucking happened... I still don't get it to this day. I should have been hauled off. But I got a $85 ticket and was sent on my way. No sobriety test. Nothing. Just a you better head home and call it a night. I was a mile or two from home. So I did.

Shit changed after that. Any time I had drugs in the car I rode clean as fuck. No speed limit breaking, turn signals, seat belts, etc.

The other time the cops obviously had me nailed to the tree for felony property destruction they let me go. I think they felt bad for me. I had inadvertently destroyed the brand new car of a very sketch ex con 1% biker drug dealer guy. They had me. It was my fault. But they let me go.... They said insurance would pay for his car. I think they hated the guy and knew he'd probably stab me so they took care of it. I'm fucking lucky on that one.

Funny thing though that biker is now my friend on facebook. And I still get worried whenever I talk to him. Scary dude... On my birthday he posted "Happy Birthday, friend" and I was like, he's going to murder me. We're not friends... I think he knows. What was I doing now? Bye.

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