A turkish ADC used script in turkish challenger series, but no punishment for the games they played.

in my experience it 'feels' like there's become a huge influx of scripting into the game as whole recently. i was mid gold1 about 3 months ago, and i've gone straight down to gold5; and im now paired with mid-silvers now.i had i thihnk 56% winrate in gold1; across about 400 games. I'm now negative win rate.

perhaps i suddenly turned bad since playing from season1... and gold since season3.

i see, incredible accuracy (and skill dodging). consistently from one to two people every 2 out of 3 games. when i lookup the high scorers -- their newish to league, and their on an absolute huge winning streak. Generally speaking -- the other games -- i face-roll them. absolutely nothing in-between.

the level of "skill" in these silver3's i'm vsing now is crazy and unlike anything i've seen in previous seasons. -- and its all within 3 months.

maybe im just bad, i never spectate/record my games for scrutiny as i dont have that kind of time luxury -- so i cant be certain about these scripters -- buts its what it feels like as im playing against, given failed ambushes, dodges, flashes, and insane skillshots.

BUT.... literally, last night --- i spectated a friend before i logged off -- ARAM - -- and there were two on his team: zilean hit every bomb, kalista hit every spear. i literally never saw a miss. this was just one random game i watched, from a friend who was newish --- and being paired with unranked and bronzes. his teamcomp was horribly outpoked no tanks, heals or sustain -- it shoulda been a slamdunk loss to be honest. -- but between zilean and kalista poke always hitting -- they 'drew out' the game easily 20 extra minutes before loss. it was like a 40 minute ARAM.

good game riot, keeping the sport clean even in the "professionals"

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