Early game jungling?

Hmm I think a few things can be learned from your KD ratios at 20 minutes.

I appreciate playing safe and passive but in the grand scheme of things I don't think that's the right playstyle for Yolo queue.

Think about this: Sure, 2/1/5 is a 7 KDA ratio and it means you're double positive and blah blah blah. It doesn't even matter.

In reality, you've only contributed to 7 of many more kills and it means you're not helping as much as you can. I'm not accusing you of AFK farming, and you're probably not, but in order to have a true impact on the game, make sure your kill participation is as close to 60% as possible.

Sure, 60 is an arbitrary number but I think as a jungler, you really control whether your lanes win or go even. My mentality is that you should always gank when you can. Sometimes you can't; sometimes youre oom, sometimes your red is up, sometimes you need to buy, whatever.

But you should always look for ganks. Think of it like this: For every successful gank that you do on one of your lanes (summoner spells, kill, ulti baited) you get a point. By getting points you let yourself get OBJs which are maybe worth 3 points.

The flow of the game is really all determined based off points, though not really off kills which is why the "scoreboard" is deceptive. If you have 20 points total off 2 dragons, a tower, and 5 kills in laning, vs their 10 points, you've done your job as an early game jungler.

Make an impact on the game, don't even look at you score. SoloQ is so hectic that even if you're 2/1/5, I guarantee the rest of your team hasn't played so cautious. Really try to push every advantage you get, always look for easy ganks and remember to ward for drag control.

I have a 15-4 record in this season as a jungler, I'm 8/3 with J4 and 5/0 with Amumu, and each of those games I've gotten first drag. It's not coincidence. Good ganks lead to early drags lead to games won in 20 minutes.

/r/summonerschool Thread