[EDITORIAL] Mortal Kombat X's graphic 'fatalities' may be too violent for some fans (the violence moral panic starts again)

This'll bro ably get buried, but I'll try to throwing my two cents into the copper abyss:

MKX may receive undeserved criticism in time, but to claim that this article is trying to incite a moral panic is strawmanning. Many commenters are responding as though it is doing this, or as though it is being called for MKX to be banned. Nowhere in the article does anyone call for anything to be banned, except for a purely illustrative historical summary of controversy around the MK series.

Here is what happens in this article: An example of the depiction of violence in-game is given. Several comments are reported from people who are criticizing the depiction of violence. The writer tried but failed to get a comment from the devs. A short summary of MK's history of causing people to flip out over the depiction of violence in video games is given. That is all. Any inference that the writer has an underlying motive of causing panic is speculation. Any inference that the people quoted in this article are in favor of MKX being banned is speculation.

I like this sub, but so often stuff hits the front page that is as speculative or as misleadingly inflammatory as the garbage that we try to fairly criticize. Whenever someone describes themselves as a feminist to me, I need to wait and hear whether they're simply egalitarian or whether they might fear me personally simply because I am a man before I know whether or not I can feel comfortable around them. I wish the same wasn't rapidly becoming true among some (some) people with whom I would prefer to pridefully share a favorite hobby.

Also, for what it's worth, the violent fatalities are fuckin' awesome. Gimme more. MORE!!

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Link - archive.today