Eff that one beauty standard that takes physical effort!

Sent Tess a comment on IG, as well as a DM with the following text. As well as posted it to my newly created page made specifically for the purpose of sending this message. I had the urge and even had first written a nasty message. Asking how she could live with herself by influencing young people to follow this deadly trend... Decided to go a very nice and logical route begging her to stop. GOT BLOCKED immediately. She cannot seem to reason whatsoever when all the evidence is right here. She is a MURDERER! She has the reach of 800k people and is choosing to preach SUICIDE. Should be illegal.

" Please Tess, I'm begging you. Love yourself enough to lose the weight you need to lose. And to tell young, easily influenced women that they should love themselves enough to stay active and eat right too. Not because society is marginalizing or dehumanizing overweight people, or for the sake of a hashtag or fame. TELL THEM BECAUSE YOU LOVE THEM AND WANT THEM TO LIVE LONG LIVES!! Do not keep adding to this DEADLY trend in society. If you wanted to "honor your body" you would choose to give it the nourishment its craving. You would take walks, jogs, bike rides, or go for a swim. You would rid your body of the fat that is hurting your organs and joints. Not because you ARE fat but because you CARRY fat. Understand that key principle. If you are depressed and can't find the drive to love yourself from within, know that I (a stranger) love you and care for you!! So please do what your body needs you to do. And please don't preach a trend of SLOW SUICIDE to your followers. Don't provide them with excuses. Motivate them to make positive and beneficial changes in their life. Do this for the future of our society, do it for the children who are uneducated about healthy lifestyles, do this for you. Please. Reevaluate. Look in the mirror and say "am I happy like this?" Think about times where you have missed out because your size didn't allow you to participate. Think about when you drop something and pick it up how there is pressure running to your head from the strain. Think about your joint pain. Think about the struggle you have with body image. Know that these struggles are fixable!!!! Know that these struggles don't have to be a permanent part of your life. There is a whole life out here waiting on you!! And all you have to do to get it is be healthy and make the right choices for your body, the TEMPLE God gave you to live in during your time on earth. Please, make a change. Please. "

/r/fatpeoplehate Thread Link - i.imgur.com