I used real Tumblrina quotes to make this (xpost fatlogic)

This makes me so fucking mad. I suffered from anorexia for five years, have endured multiple long stints in hospitals, hours or therapy and I've finally got myself to a healthy weight and I'm really fit. 5'1 105lbs. It has involved an insane amount of work for me to come to a place where I'm healthy and happy. Clean and exercising just works for me, it keeps my mental health good and I feel great for the first time in years. I've worked so hard to achieve my body and I know that countless others have despite how hard it can be. (Go us!)

Then these fucking hams come sweating along in their high waisted bikinis demanding that we find them attractive and people are constantly telling them they are "gorgeous" and "don't need to change" (because obviously 250lbs worth of pure flab is fucking gorgeous) and " real women have curves" Meanwhile people that put the work in and look somewhat decent get sneered at and shamed!


These hams have done absolutely nothing apart from stuff themselves with shit until their bodies are no longer attractive or even recognisable as human and still feel deserving of the respect and compliments of others. NOBODY HAS TO FIND YOU ATTRACTIVE, NOBODY! But they feel so entitled to it! It sickens me and I will never EVER have any level of respect towards you if you are one of these lazy, disgusting blobs who are oh so self entitled and shame thinner people. Fucking hams I'm so angry...

Oh thin girls being shamed for being sluts? Go on to tumblr and scroll through and you will see literally hundreds of half naked fucking obese girls with their massive, pale wobbly stomachs exploding out from their high waisted lace panties and their fucking green hair of whatever. Fucking hams...

incoherent angry mumbling..

/r/fatpeoplehate Thread Link - imgur.com