Hamplanet's emotional attachment to food gives her no choice but to be fat

Alcohol is a carbohydrate, everyone seems so stunned to hear it gets processed so immediately and similarly as sugar by the body but that shouldn't be of note at all.

whereas fructose has a chronic effect.

The progression of your statements seems to imply alcohol does not have a chronic affect, which when abused anywhere even in the same spectrum as any other sugar is abused has a multiplier of more extreme negative effects. It also seems to apply that food has anywhere near the addictive potential that alcohol does and I tried to avoid, and admittedly it was a rather poor attempt with many blah blahs, the debate between addictive potential between sugary foods and alcohol and to more importantly broaden the discussion availability of sugar (at the very least a metabolic consequence of almost everything you eat) and alcohol. Both alcohol and sugary foods are chemically similar. But comparing the two is like comparing painkillers to heroin.

There are a ton of people that curb their food problems and that is why it is overlooked. When I graduated high school my metabolism hit the wall. I used to eat XL pizzas and piles of food left and right and was still a hungry skeleton 6'1 ~150 lbs. Suddenly I ballooned up past 200 lbs in the matter of a year, I would have changed my habits sooner but I initially welcomed the weight since I had long been frustrated with being so thin. Once I realized it was becoming unhealthy I changed my habits and lost 40 pounds in 3 months. It was pretty easy too, run a whole bunch, work a physical job, stop drinking soda, and eat a little less.

It was so easy, it just took the slightest inkling of motivation and dedication. Just some ounce of self control. The first points and the last point are what fuck most people. It just requires some god damn discipline which no almost no one has in this modern era of availability. Everyone does the diet or no soda trick. Or the fad diet, or whatever bullshit thing is happening but they don't realize they are compensating their weak will with other sources of calories. They talk about how they casually walked 3 miles today and have no idea of just how little exercise a casual stroll is. Or they praise how they are only drinking a liter of soda a week but are more than compensating for that calorie deficit in other ways.

Alcohol problems and food problems are entirely different animals even if they operate off of similar mechanisms. Like I said it is like comparing painkillers to heroin. Both are hard to overcome but one is significantly worse

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