Elon Musk calls British diver who helped rescue Thai schoolboys 'pedo guy' in Twitter outburst

My observation of thought in my brain is that it can be pictures, sound and words, numbers, and ideas (which contain what I already mentioned) and that there are constructions of thought that are beliefs about the self, others, and so much else. They can be opinions. Other constructions are inspired and come from somewhere in the unconscious and emerge as very detailed ideas.

Over the years, through observation, I've uncovered core beliefs, which were thoughts I held about the self and things in the external world that were invisible to me and I took as fact about the world. Solidified, unconscious opinions (which are thought constructions). Once uncovered and observed, they were let go of (not taken as fact).

Eventually it leads to an interesting state of mind in which few things are assumed or believed, and instead there is a direct, clear perception of the information coming through the senses. Tastes, sounds, visual details, smells, and tactile sensations through the skin become alive, vivid, and undifferentiated or labeled.

Long definition. I could have looked one up, but I did a lot of self-observation at one point in my life, and this is part of what I learned.

So, when I see Musk's tweet. I see something he created. I see the creation like it was one of his paintings in a museum. I don't assume or speculate to know what he was thinking or who he really is, and then proceed to make up stories. I can only say the tweet exists in the universe and it has his name and picture on it, that it's a verified account, and that it says what it says, and that he is indeed a man who could create such a tweet.

This thread, our conversation, and that of others shows the power of actions (speech is action) to transform reality, affect timelines, and alter probable futures. Actions being rooted in thought, or the materialization of thought. Seems that more than a few celebrities are learning about the power of their actions (speech is action) the hard way.

A wise person knows that right before the moment of speech there is a choice between futures. If I stay silent, there will be one future or timeline. If I speak, there will be another. It's important to know the probabilities.

Dude or dudess, thank you for the conversation, but I have to sleep now. I'll read your response if any and head off to la-la land. :)

/r/news Thread Parent Link - independent.co.uk