Do empaths annoy you?

To be fair, they’re researching what has just happened to them after being left with no answers and in a world of hurt and confusion.

Not only that, but given you are self-aware and knowledgeable enough to know that is exactly what you are doing to them — can you really blame them for wanting to know as well? Given they were the ones on the receiving end of the behavior — left entirely alone to grapple with the mindfuck that is a narcissistic discard?

I understand you are lacking the empathy to understand entirely just how life-altering an experience with one of you can be, but to find perhaps if you annoying that they are confused and trying to find answers on their own.. maybe work on gaining the strength yourself to sit down with them and kindly explain to them that you are suffering from something that makes it hard to be in a healthy relationship.

Problem solved… No more curious empaths… no?

/r/narcissism Thread