AITA for not wanting to split 50/50

There are a lot of similar comments on this post so I will address two things here: 1. This is a one bedroom apartment - there is no other possible tenant he is losing profit from. His expenses will be significantly less if I move in and pay all expenses but the principal payments 2. I think what a lot of people disagree on here is in what degree one should work for shared interest. Owning a house is like having stocks that (almost always) ensures interest, at least where we live. If part of my rent that equivalents to half of the principal payment goes into equity, this is something that will benefit us both. He seems reluctant to this. If I save up on a separate account that is for our next home, that will also benefit the both of us in the long run.

Now, if none of these situations take place and I pay 50/50 on his mortgage without any further agreement, he is increasing his equity at my expense. This continues to increase his overall fortune, while I continue to put money into what is basically his savings. This is a solution that has been highly disfavored by lawyers and economists because it is simply not financially sane and leaves the parties on uneven grounds. That may be okay for some, but we are building a life together and I believe that should benefit the both of us. I am committed to paying full mortgage (or more) if we can draw up a contract that gives me some sort of equity or gradual build up of share in the house. I just don’t understand why we would not want a situation that secures both of our financial investments.

The “rent” to him that I am suggesting would be around 40% of his costs. This would still be more than my current rent, and would therefor decrease his expenses significantly and increase mine. If we go 50/50, it will in addition to this be me paying off his loan - like putting money in his personal, frozen savings account every month. Which I will have no way of getting reimbursed or any interest in if our relationship does end (I do not live in a common law country where this is an established right you can gain without contract)

Sure, you can see it as me being a tenant and simply paying off my landlords loans. But I am not his tenant - I am his partner. And why would I be paying off his loans when he is the one in a stronger economical position?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent