Employers of Reddit, what quality/thing do you always look for in someone before you hire them?


Now, of course, they have to have the required qualifications. That's what the CV is for: if they check the right checkmarks, then the rest really comes down to personality, which is why interviews exist.

Do they look like they're trying to bullshit me, or are they honest? Are they all appearance, or do they genuinely want to connect with me as a potential employer?

That's really what it comes down to. Finding someone who's qualified is not that hard, but once you got a list of candidates, you want the people who are the most likely to be pleasant to work with. And for me, that translates to someone who doesn't try to bullshit me in an interview just so they can impress me. I want someone whose personality shines through.

So yeah, the only real advice I have for you is the same bullshit tip you get for dating... Be yourself.

/r/AskReddit Thread