Enough of narcissistic mums this, and evil dads that, Reddit, what are AWESOME stories involving your parents?

My dad was EVERY so slowly recovering from ulcers on his feet (diabetes/HBP etc). After battling alternating foot ulcers (you let one heal and then the other one would develop) he was almost in the clear. He got back to finally walking outside (albiet with a cane and no longer with a walker)

(For those of you who dont get the severity of foot ulcers, picture a a blister the size of a jawbreaker or silver dollar that hollows out a portion of your foot. Not fun huh? Its especially debilitating if you are diabetic with HBP)

Anywho, i recently ordered a speaker system. It was a saturday and I was eagerly awaiting it. I check tracking and it said they just "attempted delivery" I was PISSED. The fucking UPS drivers here are lazy fucks and if its not a house (we lived on the top floor of the APT complex) they wont even bother to come to the door.

So i resigned my fate of having to drive across town at the end of the week since they close early as well. Its super inconvenient.

My dad, hearing all this, tells me he is going for a walk and to get some air.

an hour later, he comes back upstairs sweating bullets (it was cold out too which was odd). i ask why he is out of breathe...

the man chased down the fucking UPS truck 3 lone avenues. with HEALING ulcers on his feet (which would set him back probably a month), just to get my package. he reemed the driver and they gave the box to him. it was the most exercise he had in almost 2 years.

i was amazed. best dad ever.

he died the following weekend.

/r/AskReddit Thread