Europeans, how do you feel about becoming minorities in your own countries?

When I answered you that there are in fact well documented and UN recognized incidents of genocide by these very peoples

However none of these civilizations created a system of White supremacy and a system to where only Whites can benefit at the expense of other non-White races as Europeans are the only civilization that has massively oppressed non-Europeans and created a worldwide system of hierarchy while simultaneously creating a system of institutionalized and systematic racism which created White privilege which continues to this day.

and you should check your facts and learn history.

Your hurt feelings via the display of your fragility doesn't negate historical facts presented. Deflections, distortions, as well as the re-writing of history to appease that fragility doesn't negate those facts neither.

Apparently that makes me a white nationalist... in your eyes. This reaction makes you seem racist against white people and ignorant about history... in my eyes.

Well your post history mixed with the typical White Nationalist rhetoric I'm seeing in your responses via the deflections, whataboutisms, baseless accusations irrelevant to the discussion, as well as the fragility in response to perspectives outside of the Eurocentric bubble is what gives the perception that you are a potential White Nationalist.

If you would stop insulting and name calling we could have a conversation, if not I‘m blocking you.

And your attempts at self-victimization continues. Lol name calling and insulting? Recanting historical facts is not name calling and insulting. I couldn't care less that a White Nationalist who literally expends so much of his energy in distorting history because they lack any rational logic nor facts wants to block me. You just don't like what you are hearing so you resort to being a child and accusing others of insulting you when in fact its all in your sadistic head.

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