why even have voting booths?

I am uncompromising at any hint of socialism, opposition of free market, or gun control.

Sanders has some good ideas, but the bulk of his ideas are a direct assault on American values.

And no, I don't care about how our values align with Canada, Mexico, Europe or Australia.

I have no problem with Trump saying he wants to deport illegals (Mexican or otherwise; I'm not sensitive to buzzwords such as "racism" and "sexism"). The country is at stake and has endured 16 years of Bush Jr and Obama. It can't handle Clinton/Sanders ideas.

It's time to put that bullshit aside and get real and start looking after ourselves.

I wish with all of my heart that Ron Paul was our president for the last 16 years, or even the next 16 years, but that is not going to happen. People are too fat and cowardly to shoulder the responsibility of liberty.

I want jobs. I want a repeal of the patriot act, obamacare, the TSA, I want TTP/TTIP/SOPA/SOPA to burn a fiery political death. I want the fed audited. I want tax dollars to repair roads, infrastructure, and education. I want common core eradicated. I want jobs to come back so people can work to provide for themselves and their families without relying on universal socialism. I want bloated bureaucracy trimmed down by vast measures.

And while Trump won't fix all of those things, he's the only candidate running right now who will start without installing aspects (such as socialism) that will cripple the founding values.

Trump is an asshole, but that asshole is the best thing we have right now.

Both Clinton and Sanders have proposals that are worthy of civil war and let the strongest decide how things go.

/r/conspiracy Thread Parent Link - i.sli.mg