Have you ever broken up with someone to figure yourself out? [26M] with [29F], 1.5 years

Okay so, I did this but my story ends a bit differently. I was 18 she was 17 and I had just finished high school. We had been together for 2 years I still loved her very much and the day I forced myself to break up with her was the worst day of my life. I remember she kept asking why over and over and even though I had thought about it for ages beforehand, I really couldn't explain why I was doing it.

We had a great relationship. I adored her and really would have done anything for her. We were pretty living together for a while and it was a really great time for me. But as things went on I just had this sickening feeling that something wasn't right. It wasn't logical but it was persistent and it took me a few weeks but I forced myself to end the relationship. I guess my reason was to figure myself out but I really didn't know what made me do it.

We lost touch and instead of feeling better I started taking drugs and drinking heavily, beginning a seven year period of substance abuse and depression. I thought about her all the time but I couldn't bring myself to contacting her. I just didn't think she would want anything to do with me, after what I had put her through.

I can say though, at the other end of my struggle with drugs and everything, that I did figure myself out but it probably would have happened a lot sooner had I not acting rashly on confusing feelings and left the one person who was my support.

See, thing is, I am transgender. It's only in the last year I have come to terms with it but since I have gotten over the substance abuse issues and depression that has plagued me for the majority of my life.

I very much loved her, I just didn't love me and my role in the relationship. Had I come out while we were together, we probably would have broken up anyway but it would have been honest and I wouldn't have wasted almost a decade. Breaking up with her was one of the cruelest, stupidest things I have ever done.

So, yeah. Not exactly that relevant to your situation (I mean, hopefully..) but just another instance of someone making a bad choice for no reason.

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