Have you ever ghosted a friend? If so, why?

No, but I have been on the receiving end. I never got an explanation and as far as I could tell everything was okay prior to being ghosted. Her and I (and a few other friends) had just come back from a 10-day girls holiday together and were chatting about her upcoming birthday and enthusiastically discussing our outfits for her fancy-dress bar crawl. The facebook event was cancelled shortly afterwards and when I queried it she said she was thinking of pushing it a month back just to match a few of her friend's schedules - no problem, that's pretty considerate and inclusive. Her birthday rolled around and I tried catching up with her to give her a gift, but she blew me off multiple times, always for really genuine and believable reasons - no biggie, life gets in the way. During this time we maintained constant contact, chatting over text messages daily, a couple of phone calls, always joking/cheery - which was the standard level of communication for us since we met. I hopped on snapchat a few days later and saw that there were multiple 'snap stories' from mutual friends, all dressed up, bar crawling and celebrating said friend's birthday. I wasn't sad so much as confused, just because there was no fall out. I never reached out to her afterwards and neither did she.

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