Have you ever had a job interview with a rude or condescending employer?

I had one with some woman who came in and glared at me like she had a personal vendetta against me despite not even having looked at my resume. Said "come on." no introduction, nothing polite.

Asked some basic questions - obviously completely uninterested in even being there or dealing with me. After, she gave me some paperwork and just walked out of the room without saying anything. I filled them out and sat there stupidly for a few minutes, unsure if she was going to come back or what. Eventually I got up and found my own way out of the building.

I was just out of college and it was my first interview with a well known company. Horrible experience. It was one of 4 companies in the whole city. 25% of my chances just got shot down by some foul woman that was having a bad day.

/r/careerguidance Thread