Have you ever woke up in the middle of a dream and the dream was so interesting that you wanted to go back to sleep to see the end of it? If so, what was the dream?

In the dream there was a race/species known as The Clay. They were considered second class citizens albeit useful ones. The government rounded them up and assigned them Shapers. The Clay could become anything and the Shapers job was to help mold them into the desired person/thing/etc. Despite the obvious imbalance of the relationship the bond between Shaper and Clay was pretty deep.

In the dream I was a Shaper. I met my Clay and though we were initally at odds with one another and it was considered taboo we ended up falling in love. We lived a whole life together in the dream and had children. Right before I woke up my Clay was on his deathbed and I was trying to comfort him in his last moments. He asked me about our children...I didn't have the heart to tell him that they had been murdered years before. I reassured him that everyone was fine. Happy and healthy and that they loved him and wished they could be there but they were busy. It broke my heart.

I woke up right before he passed away in the dream. Part of me was relieved, but it was such an emotionally intense dream and such an strangely fleshed out universe that part of me wishes I could've been there for longer.

/r/AskReddit Thread