Every Gunfight in Fortnite

The other day I had the most obnoxious "shield fight".

Basically I don't get a shield, I've got a purple tact though. I find a guy hiding in a house with a shield pot on the ground in front of him. Kill him, he drops 2 more shield pots. I quickly load them up and then I hear another guy coming. As he walks past the window I hit him, full shield. We fight it out, I'm knocked down to like 20 shield when I kill him and then no shit, he drops 2 shields. Pop em, then I hear foot steps. There was a dude in the upper floor the whole time, he tried to get the jump on me after the fight thinking I'm low but I've already got back to 100. We do the dance, hopping around like retards with our shotties. Guess what. Fully shielded, holding an extra pot.

At this point I'm just losing my shit. Not only does everyone have shields, everyone is carrying extra shields in this area. But I came out on top, so I thought. I'm at 75hp, popping one of the shield pots after all this and here comes ANOTHER GUY. Fully shielded, of course, melts me in the shotgun fight because I hadn't got to pop my shields yet.

After all is said and done, the ground between these houses is just littered with blues, purples and shield pots. I sat and watched in immense pain as this dude sifts through all our shit.

/r/FortNiteBR Thread