Every time I read a sentence like this, I read it as they are doing it before I get to the last word.

Every beginner struggles with this. After a while you will realise that translation itself is only a tool, because it may fail or tire you more often than you like.

The question is what do you do then in general.

Of course, in this specific situation they are making you learn by translating. So, this double or even triple dipping of effort (parse German, possible literal translate to native language, normalize translation) is unavoidable.

Sometimes it is easier, even while translating, to explicitly think beforehand: I must avoid step two (literal translation) wherever possible. This also actually helps later with treating translation as a toolbox you put in the corner, that has multiple levels and you only reach for it when the level off difficulty of the German is too high or beyond you.

Anyway, it gets better. Just keep at it. Once you get past the initial big bump and start comprehending real content, especially listening, you won't even remember the true pain and horror of these early moments... ;p

/r/German Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it