Everyone who has been in a fight shares their story of winning one, but nobody seems to talk about the times they lose. Reddit, when were some times you got YOUR ass kicked?

At a sports bar with my friends back in college, and I'm outside smoking a cigarette with one of my friends, J. While I was doing that, my other buddy T got into it with a guy at the bar, and the guy poured a beer on his head - so T tells the guy to come outside because he's gonna 'kick his teeth down his throat'. Guy brings his posse of 6 dudes out with him.

So me and J are out there, minding our own business and smoking, when we see T come out the door with this guy and his posse - who all immediately begin beating the shit out of him. Couple of them crack him in the face and on the back of the head, he goes to the ground, and they start kicking the shit out of him. For some silly reason, he seemed to be under the impression he was going out there to fight that one guy, whereas they were all on the same page about just beating the everloving shit out of him then going back and watching the game. We decide to try to bail him out because even though he's an asshole, he's our asshole, so I run up in there and land a pretty nasty haymaker on one of the guys (knocked him on his ass), and J (whose a pretty big guy) tackles a guy and starts ground and pounding on him. That is where our luck ends, because by this point T is totally out of commission and just in the fetal position, J gets yanked off the guy he tackled pretty quick and he's getting beat on himself, and then it's me vs three angry drunk dudes about the same size as me and, even though I got a couple swings in, pretty soon I was on the ground with my head tucked into my arms getting the shit kicked out of me.

Lucky for us, a couple of the other guys we'd been talking with in the 'smokers area' came over and broke it up, so me and J didn't get beat up too bad - few bruises, black eye, nose bleeds, that kind of thing. Guys who kicked the shit out of us tell us to never go to that bar again (we didn't), and they went back inside not too much worse for the wear.

Guys who broke it up help me and J to our feet, and we go over to T. Those dudes jacked him up - bruised rib, fucked up face, broken nose, we had to take him to urgent care. I'll never forget it - he sits up, spits out a gob of blood, looks at us, and says "Well that was a fucking mistake."

Yes, yes it was.

/r/AskReddit Thread