They say "everyone's fighting a battle you don't know about." What's yours?

Too late to the post, but here.

Getting arranged to be married in Jan. That gives me 8 months.

She's never left the home country, and comes from what amounts to a very,very small city.

I live in a major city, and been fortune to have traveled extensively.

Need to lose 12 kg of fat, quit smoking completely [down from a pack a day, to a few drags here and there(still not good enough)]

I've quit drinking heavily, just one beer once a month maximum.

Increase my stamina enough to run a sub 6 minute mile.

Continue power-lifting to:

For those interested: 6'2, I weigh 118kg, 53 kg muscle mass, 23 percent body fat. 90 kg fat free mass. I use that handheld scanner thing, because more extensive options cost too much where i live.

  • bring my bench to a 100 kg x5 (Currently at 80 x 5 reps max)

  • my deadlift to 200 kg x5 (Currently at 140 x 5 max)

  • my ohp to 80kgx5 (Currently at 70x5 max)

-Important note: At some point, I will need to find the perfect balance between heavy lifting, and cardiovascular excellence. I have a trainer to help me do so. no, i'm not doing crossfit.

I need to move up corporate hierarchy, replace my manager, because he's an inefficient unethical cunt of human being. It's a family business but, I started from the bottom (Being a construction worker)

I'd guess your asking why now, and why based off my marriage.

These are goals I've had forever, but I've simply never fully gone for them. My life is good enough for me to not need to do any of this, I lift regularly, get laid plenty, am unafraid of life or death (Due to some serious psychedelic experiences) and through being successful at my job, make semi-decent money.

But then I got engaged to be married (conservative Muslim background), and realized that a new phase of my life is beginning.

I don't know this girl well, or who she actually is. We've met several times, we vibe well and the conversation is genial and polite. I have no idea what her intentions are coming into this marriage, but I imagine she's probably been raised to function as a housewife (this is my guess). I know that she has some boytoy right now (she doesn't know I know), which is her exploring her own sexuality in some limited manner. I haven't stopped being sexually active, so good for her; maybe if its serious she'll break the engagement off.

But if you understand that culture, you know it's unlikely.

When I got the call from my parents saying they've gotten me engaged (Rishta'd), I freaked the fuck out. I wanted to drink, smoke, fuck; "my freeeeeeedom", I guess I was yelling.

Since then it's been like a slow rising buzz of electricity flowing through me. I need to be on point, I need to become the swords edge, the tip of the spear.

I realized that my life is flowing past me, and I will to become someone great.

Frivolous sex and partying is pretty fucking awesome, but it doesn't really fill that void within; lifting and training really hard does. Being more physically capable than the statistically average being, is simply excellent. Once I've hit my cardiovascular goals, I'll most likely switch to MMA training for the rest of my life.

I will to be greater than those around me, and having seen people live a life of lavish excess, it simply feels like a waste of what limited lifetime I have.

The marriage is the deadline, because she'll definitely, most likely imprint off me; she'll be leaving her small village town and moving to a major city.

If i'm some big drunk, then I've doomed her, what generations of ours may come and the relationship. I know myself, and if I don't seize the moment now, then it will flow away from me and add to my regrets. We'll both end up fat, unhappy and try to live through our kids like so many others do. This isn't set in stone of course, but a worse case scenario I've seen happen time and time again.

However, If I'm in superb shape with a disciplined training and eating regiment then she too will adapt to it. If I'm a a focused, passionate individual with goals I will to achieve, then she'll be motivated to do the same. We'd be a team. passionate, fit and focused.

Or, I'm completely wrong and it ends in divorce.

Then what? Marriage is weird, and [](all the advice doesn't prepare you for the uncertainties). I don't know, but now I'm already so on point so it hardly matters, I keep moving forward until my [](life time is up.)

/r/AskReddit Thread