[EVERYTHING] What do you think (or want) the first scene in season 7 will be?

What will probably actually happen is a relatively boring episode that outlines everyone's path for the season.

From North to South I expect we'll see Bran getting close to Winterfell, Jon will be dealing with King in da Norf duties and preparing for the White Walkers, Sansa will be dealing with the Littlefinger problem, Arya will maybe meet up with the Brotherhood without Banners and more importantly The Hound, Dany and crew will probably make landing at Dragonstone because it's the most strategically placed castle in all of Westeros for someone with fucking dragons, Jamie will probably be immediately dispatched with the Lannister army after having a little bit more time to see how batshit Cersei is right now, Cersei will be spiraling further into insanity and getting closer and closer to full-on mad queen status.

It will probably be considered "slow" or "boring" because it's the first episode of a season and it has to remind everyone watching where the characters are at and start them on the arcs that will play out through the season.

/r/gameofthrones Thread