Everything Wrong with DrugsLab | “Most Dangerous Mistakes”

I think he just fully understands how much responsibility making videos like this are

Ok lets ignore that he hasn't done himself what he instructed the Drugslab people to do...

Isn't "a responsibe drug educator" an oxymoron in itself though? Do you know what's really dangerous? Doing drugs. And I say this as a user of many drugs.

Why? Because of physical addiction? No, screw physical addiction. I'm not addicted and I've done pretty much everything that doesn't involve a needle. You are not going to get physically hooked on drugs.

Physical or psychological trauma? Nah. You have to be reckless to damage your body or mind. I've been on a trip where I literally thought I was God and ran through the jungle and came out on the other end of it just fine. Unless you're stupid beyond repair or have a pre-existing physical or mental condition, drugs are relatively harmless compared to all the other stupid stuff we do like stuffing our faces with unhealthy food, not exercising or subjecting ourselves to harmful levels of stress.

The thing about drugs and why I personally don't condone them with people that have not yet tried them, is that they alter your baseline for happiness. Smoking weed at a movie theater may seem harmless enough, in fact it's an awesome time, but this is now your new baseline for happiness. Just watching movies will not deliver the same happiness as it does with weed. And that's why drugs are dangerous. You attach a substance to your baseline of happiness. And it can be anything, from needing to drink to enjoy a night out, to having a cigarette to enjoy finishing off a good meal, to putting a needle in your arm to enjoy life - they are all essentially gradients of the same thing. The better the drug and the more you use it, the more you alter what it means to be happy within yourself. And this is what I wish someone would have told me before I started doing them. "i-Poker, the thing about drugs is not that they're not great, because they are amazing, it's that once you've experienced what it feels like to be a God... life among mortals will seem pretty dreary and you'll be chasing that rush again".

Does this guy mention any of those things? I bet he doesn't. And if not: how is that even remotely close to being "responsible"? This is THE disclaimer that should be attached to any drug use, however small. And by not doing so and claiming to be "responsible", it makes this guy a hypocrite.

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