Everything wrong with ranked matchmaking

Yes, and it's obviously incorrect in this context

Is your idea that a toxic enviroment precludes a person from being toxic? Nice quote implying something I never said. My assertion is that you behavior can have an impact on the toxicity of your game.

Not that it always does, or it must, or never does. I certainly never claimed that if you have a bunch of toxic games then you are toxic. Could it be inferred as possibility, yes of course, and to loop back around its important to examine that link and your relation to it.

It's ridiculous how you people apparently can't argue reasonably about points and you always need to attack the poster instead.

You are replying in a comment chain that is litteraly about OP's behavior. In this chain from parent it is nether off topic or off base.

You're claiming that most people in OP's games are toxic. Yet, that's not true at all.

I never did at all, OP claimed 75% of his games were ruined. I made no claim to what percent of people in his, or in any particular match were toxic. Like the black swan argument I said its possible that there exists a game for someone that was all toxic players. Which surely you must logically admit is possible right?

Yes, it was pretty damn clear that you were trying to smear the OP and use fallacies in order to attack the OP.

Smear OP? Perhaps I was reading the literal things he said from


Lets quote him, afterall I sure wouldnt want to smear OP now right?

"White is a state of mind, not really an ethnicity thing. Kinda like the word faggot. It's hardly a gay thing, for example, in this very thread, OP is being a faggot."

Woah! Maybe I'm being unfair, let's just link his video https://youtu.be/IVz1mXq0gDo there you can hear him say it from his own lips.

I could ask you the same question. What would be your reply?

I'm trying to make things clear to a person who seems to purposely and willingly combine dense and incorrect parsing/reading of comments with a iamverysmart attitude.

I was trying to clear that up before your reply in an earnest effort to just explain a regular human saying, now I see I'm wasting my time.

now you're attacking me as well

Please. If anything u/SmaugTheGreat your hurting yourself, you come off as paranoid, mentally unstable, and an asshole (yes all three).

Get help.

/r/DotA2 Thread Parent