Ex-wife of suspected Orlando shooter: ‘He beat me’

What does it matter if they were registered or not?

At some point you have to figure the majority of politically correct people bring this on themselves.

Just look at social media. Immediately after this horrible and tragic event occurred, millions of people went online to comment on the dangers of islamic extremists. Immediately, all social media scrubs those comments. Let me tell you, I feel so strongly that holy books and religions poison peoples minds and are a direct cause to so much evil and murders in the world. The quran isn't the only "book" with seriously poisonous and dangerous ideologies. But what can you do about it? I feel like Obama probably feels. Give people more guns, more death. Take away peoples guns, they are left helpless to the criminals, so more death. Outlaw Islam, create more terrorism. Allow Islam, still create more terrorism. Yes, I've known plenty of muslims who are not extermists. But don't confuse these issues. All of the "Holy Books" of all the world religions have terrorist verses. And those religions promote those evil ideas and spread them like a virus. Yes, there are good muslims who say they believe the whole Quran, and when you bring up all the killing the infidel verses, they come up with some excuse to use so they never have to confront the truth. They have believed in a lie and many of them kill for that lie. Millions of scrubbed comments on the internet today, expressing this sentiment. Are we still in a country of free speech? There are plenty of Muslims, Jews, and Christians who I have been friends with. But usually it comes down to the fact that they don't really follow their own bible: The Christians don't really want to kill gay people. The Muslims don't really want to enforce Shari'ah Law, and the Jews don't really want to enforce Mosaic Law. But the people who really do follow their holy books, to the word, are dangerous. That is the issue at hand.

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