Expats and non-South African redditors get on my nerves

Not from S.A. never been to S.A. (not yet anyways), but I’m completely in love with the place and I don’t care how many complaints I’ve heard about it or how ‘it’ll never get better’ including from the SA person I’m in love with (he’s an expat). I also understand where he comes from, I can clearly tell he loves his country and it’s from a place of pain and a deep down hope that somehow he’s wrong. He’s even said that once.

Here’s what I firmly believe: whatever not lovely thing your country seems to be going through is not permanent. There’s so much beauty and diversity and kindness and a kind of wealth that money can’t buy. Just hold on to your horses. There will be big changes for the better, sooner rather than later.

/r/southafrica Thread