Experimental changes to DIANA (not RIot's)


In Riot's eyes, Diana should be a diver and these changes are trying to push her even more in that direction. She's really the only one in that role who you can play in the mid lane (all other lack AOE) and I wish she'd stay there even after these changes.

Stat changes aren't considered here.

IMPORTANT: If you want to compare these changes to the live values here's a link to the wiki containing all the data you need: http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Diana.



CLEAVE: After casting an ability Diana's next 3 auto-attacks in the next 3 seconds deal damage equal to 100% of her total AD to all units in front of her.

MOONLIGHT: Champions and large monsters affected by Diana's abilities are afflicted by Moonlight for 3 seconds, granting sight of them for the duration and 40 / 60 / 80% bonus attack speed against them. Additionally, every 3rd auto-attack on a Moonlight affected unit deals 20 - 250 (based on level) (+ 80% AP) bonus magic damage.


Possibility of including procing on-hit effects to her cleave autos. Don't know how would this come out balance wise. Her jungle clear might bee too good if she procs machete bonus damage on everyone cleaved. Lifesteal is also debatable. The Moonlight part of her passive is basically a modernization of the old one.

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