The extreme tech censorship is a desperate attempt to keep control of public opinion, and they are still losing the battle. The more they try to censor the truth, the more people are realizing something is wrong. Normies are starting to see the walls of the prison. Now is the time to speak up.

I still don't understand why the consensus of this subreddit is that massive companies like Google and Amazon, who stand to gain from less government regulation and oversight, and are inherently capitalist entities, are actually shilling for leftism.

Leftists hate large companies like Google and Amazon, so why do you think they are on the same team? What does Google stand to gain from socialized medicine or the breakdown of economic racial segregation? Nothing. It would only harm them. The DNC doesn't actually accomplish anything, they just stand to keep American politics right of center.

The fundamental problem you've uncovered is the distribution of power in our society. The struggle you are experiencing is class struggle, disguised in the form of (albeit well evidenced) pedophile allegations against the ultra-wealthy. The reason that these power distinctions exist is due to a prevailing acceptance of neoliberalism as the national economic framework, and the inherent power imbalance involved in owning the labor of your employees, a feature intrinsic to capitalism.

I'm not telling you what to think. I hate the power imbalances and greed of the world as much as you do, I'm simply suggesting that perhaps you take a step back and consider what allowed this power imbalance to develop in the first place.

/r/conspiracy Thread