Is (f) living with family a turn off for men?

From past experience i need to date someone in a similar life situation and experiences.

Meeting parents when you pick her up for a second or 3rd date isn't a good idea. No one is going to be good enough for her. She in the beginning is already looking for reasons that I'm not good enough. This is how women are wired. Men will look for a few reasons why she good. Women will look for reasons that you aren't. Women are picky. I don't need parents looking for reasons also. I'd rather meet her parents when she's decided already.

I'm not 17, I'm 39 I'm a full fledged mature man. Equal to any adult. I shouldn't be judged or have to prove anything to parents. They have to prove to me they're not crazy.

"So what do you do for work? " my answer is that i make more money than them. I've seen this happen in my 30s and I'll take a hard pass.

Am i jaded? You bet!

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