Fallout from the MOASS

Stimulus checks or social welfare don't make people complacent. It's a myth. Sure, in every system there will always be those who try to cheat, those who are lazy (but often there is something more going on like mental health etc) but as a whole human and apes kind of want the same things, we want to belong, we want to be a contributing part to society, we want to feel safe etc. If a system makes people feeling a basic safety, that our basic needs of food, water, shelter, healthcare etc are met, people will continue to work in ways that benefit society because they want to, because we want to explore, discover, help, nurture, live.

They will just not accept to be ground to the bones by corporations that can kick you out in a second, corporations that your families wellbeing literally depends on since your health care are tied to your work.

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