Family can demand grandkids despite my(22f) infertility

Hey, this sucks. You don't deserve to be treated that way by your Nana. You don't deserve to be treated that way by your parents. And it sounds like you would like kids eventually and are grieving your infertility or likely infertility. That's a lot! You're so strong to be handling all of that! Do you have a support network, in addition to your boyfriend?

One of my friends, who does not have nparents so take this with a grain of salt, was getting a lot of insulting comments from her grandma about not having a boyfriend. My friend really wants a boyfriend, so the comments really hurt her. She ended up deciding NOT to tell her grandma directly to stop and that it hurt her feelings. However, she realized that her grandma had been very lonely without a relationship since her husband died years ago and probably thought having a partner would make my friend happier the way it made her happier. Obviously, that doesn't excuse her from saying hurtful things, but my friend was able to reframe that her grandma was thinking about herself, rather than intentionally insulting my friend's most sensitive subject. I think this might be a helpful way to think about your nana - although maybe you will decide to ask her to knock it off directly!

Your parents are another story... I'm sorry you have to put up with their self-centered crap.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread