“Seeing as lol is a long term and common,” great English idiot.
Also “lol” is not common anymore, it has long since been replaced by “lmao/lmfao”, an emoji, or something like “haha” that implies that your laughing.
A meme or internet acronym like “lol” would never be considered “long term”, your vocabulary really sucks and besides, much like everything in our existence, memes live and memes die, so nothing on the internet is considered “long term”.
I really don’t give a shit about internet points, I was merely bringing up the fact that most other people you meet on the internet clearly think your an asshole, I get enough validation from people genuinely agreeing with me and caring about me, at least I don’t attempt validation by starting petty fights on reddit.
The irony of you saying that I use petty and weak insults when the best you could come up with was that “I’m so tilted”.
Your stupidity and constant “comebacks” (if you could even call them that) proves my earlier point of that your the sort of person who always has to have the last say.
My life is working out great so far, currently studying robitics, economics, and engineering with my own small business, currently looking at multiple large houses and blocks of land to use as rental properties and have enough money to start my own legal pyramid scheme if I wanted to.
The joys of being a “little one” is that I have plenty of time, plenty of “validation” from family meanwhile in a few years all of your older family will be dead, R.I. Fucking P. Motherfucker.