Far right, Islamophobic, evil, anti-union journalist here for the Australian. Got a deadline tomorrow for a cool story, about 1500 words. Anything going in brisbane?

At my workplace, a large organisation that receives large amounts of government funding, there is corruption all the way down. I am pretty sure all of the management staff were hired because they knew someone at the organisation. Managers make up jobs that literally shouldn't exist as there is nothing to do, then hire their friends. Their friends are literally the only ones interviewed. Millions are spent on ridiculous projects that are given to particular consultants. You will never get promoted unless you are already in the circle of friends. You will get promoted regardless of what you do if you are in the circle of friends. This company employs thousands of people.

I have a feeling this is the same at most large places all around the place. The world is a corrupt shithole. Why don't you write about that, or is that too real? I mean what is the point in writing about all of the other bullshit?

Why don't you write about how the Labor Party is gaming /r/Australia? Or how both parties are literally just different sides of exactly the same coin. One spends money on the military, the other on social services. You know, the same old bullshit. Why don't you write about all the bullshit job provider networks, social programs, etc that do nothing but funnel government money to people via corruption? Why don't you write about how non-inheritence kids with degrees work in stressful jobs in cubicles and still can't even afford a decent quality of life? Why don't you write about all of the corrupt Australia's with investment properties simply leveraging their wealth to extract money from the poor?

The world and everyone in it are corrupt. On second thoughts, just make up some bullshit that gets views. All that counts is you don't get fired and maybe get a promotion.

/r/brisbane Thread