

I don't think it's right to mock or call people's reasons bogus.

Also, fasting can be beneficial for managing blood sugar, energy & mood - but I do not believe in long-term fasting. Fasting is a weight-loss tool which favourably influences hormonal changes & on the r/fasting sub I have seen many people get healthy advice & have never seen people encouraging already underweight people to fast. It is a relatively new practice to the western world in regards to health & wellbeing, but fasting has been practiced safely & consistently for hundreds of years. I am a huge proponent of listening to your body & for years I grew up believing that I HAD to eat breakfast regardless of how it made me feel because otherwise I wasn't healthy or strong, or going to be successful. Fasting is effective in managing other health problems. I use fasting to remedy my IBS symptoms when I have eaten a non-compliant food, I know some women with PCOS also use fasting to manage their symptoms.

I do believe that like all groups there may be members who aren't using the resources in the intended way, or not acting in the interest of their own health, but I feel that it is dismissive & harmful to talk about members of a group in the way you did in your original post.

Rant over.

/r/proED Thread