Fat women should stop calling themselves curvy or thick

no i mean it's pretty clear - she's coming on here to rant about random other women who say they are curvy but aren't (according to OP's definition at least), has some body issues herself

I'm not the thinnest girl in the world, but I'm well inside the 'normal' BMI range (BMI of 21)

yes my thighs do save lives.

I have learned to control my urges and I take pride in taking care of my body.

and then just straight up attacks these random women

If you're so proud of the glutton you are then you should have no problem in calling yourself fat.

this is actually pretty solid evidence indicating OP has some serious issues with body image, weight, and self esteem. the fact that she mentions her BMI is really telling - wtf do we care? but she cares, because that number makes her 'not fat', which is good, and gives her license to judge other people who are fat, which is bad.

OP doesn't have to love fat people or think being overweight is ok, but when she's at the point of attacking these people for things that she clearly considers flaws in herself ('control my urges'), that's not healthy. i'd legit recommend OP to see a therapist, especially at a BMI of 21 which is perfectly healthy.

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