Father George Coyne, PHD: "How in the world could there be an science in scripture?"

Objective truths are still true regardless of whether we know about them or dismiss them. Gravity is an objective truth, the moon reflecting light from our parent star is an objective truth. They natural universal processes so to imply that God would think that way, is an odd statement, he would presumably just know these things. If you look at your smartphone, and had 0 context or knowledge about it you might be able to inuit certain things, like it's a communications device. But you would no idea or context on how it functions and would likely based on your initial intuition come up reasons why it works, what's it for etc. Hell you may even try to make assumptions on how it works. But with no knowledge of electricity or silicon boards how capacitors work or resistors and rectifiers. You're likely to decide it runs on some invisible field connecting everyone we'll call it the force. The unseen flow of electrons becomes magic, the touch screen becomes an enchanted rock or mirror. No way to know that the technology of said screen involves magnetic fields, galvanic skin response, semi-liquid crystals that bond together to produce an image. But you I don't know your education level but it seems reasonable to say you a general idea behind the technology how it works, why it works, etc. So tell someone who is ignorant of these things when you exactly what they are. You are either lying by omission or silently consent knowing that just basic hygiene lessons would lessen diseases. Jesus saying this man only thinks it is a demon he has a leprosy (they used that word fairly liberally) of the mind but I can help. He does his woo and the man returns to normal. Even if nothing is said beyond that we'd have a good idea that someone in that time understood mental psychosis. And support for properly performed exorcism as being a tool for treatment in religious individuals.

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