FBI Director James Comey Tried To Reveal Russian Tampering Months Before Election

So I see a lot of emotion and little factual basis, so I'm not sure what you want me to respond to in your comment.

You clearly haven't spent a second in politics along with most of reddit. Not surprising, it's where that idiotic "engineers can do it better because everything is black and white" ridiculousness finds its home thanks to constant delusion.

It's a lot easier for someone like yourself to throw stones than it is to govern or run a party of roughly 70,000,000 people.

I'm so fucking sick of this idiotic arm chair politician mentality. Yeah, some members of the DNC were biased politically. Grow the fuck up, every human that cares about politics is biased as fuck, myself included.

What you failed to show was proof of actions to prop up a candidate against the voters will. I. Voted. Against. Hillary. In. The. Primary. But she won by a massive margin and to pretend the Dnc could have changed that had they waved little bernie flags for those six months is delusional.

Again, if you ever actually wanna win debates in real life and not just get a couple random trumpie pity votes, start using facts and figures. I'll give you an example:

For example: Bernie never once led in polling averages. So what's more likely, rigged voting or that he simply didn't get the votes he needed?

Another stat: 100%. Thats the percentage of your web history about to be public knowledge because of voters who made false equivalencies like yourself.

3,000,000 - roughly the number of votes more Hillary Clinton beat Donald trump by in the popular vote.

Your emotional reaction to the Dnc leaks has blinded you. I really hope at some point you realize you were intentionally manipulated by a foreign power. I'm not holding my breath, the average voter is stunningly closed to anything that challenges even the mostly baseless views. See: birthers.

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