FBI never examined hacked DNC servers itself: report

It's a very strange thing imo because people shake their fist in the air like they absolutely have the strongest conviction on the matter (at least enough to rant about it to others) yet their actions communicate the opposite. I personally believe most truly do not care about the issue enough to take any sort of action but also don't want to be left out of the conversation because they believe they're being socially irresponsible if they don't pick a side.

I think this election cycle really brought this phenomenon out in droves. Here's a real life example: My mother was ranting to me about Trump because she's not a fan of his apparently (mind you my mother has never in her life been politically interested in anything before so this is actually very strange for me to say). I just started asking her about specific stuff that drove her opinion and she really had nothing of substance to say. She also had no idea what Wikileaks was, or what the Clinton Email scandal meant in any capacity.

She had a passionate opinion about Trump yet had gathered relatively zero information to form this opinion other than probably some shared posts she'd been seeing on her Facebook feed for months and I'd bet she just red the titles only 99% of the time. She just did it because it's what her "tribe" was doing. Totally bizarre.

/r/technology Thread Parent Link - thehill.com