[FEEDBACK] An English Country Garden (Dark Comedy, 5 Pages)

OK clearly you're going for surreal here. I just don't think this script works on any level. It feels like the end of the second act of an old play.

Most major problem: Julia doesn't act like a normal person would. She slams her husband's head in the door and immediately accepts he's dead, there's nothing she could possibly do and that now she's a committed murderer hiding a body. It's ludicrous.

David is your comic relief character who generally works well. He's extreme but has the best lines (the toe stuff was good and "gulp it down and let the baby drown"). But again: it feels very constructed with him popping in and out and being overtly weird. The whole thing becomes "don't let David see" and I totally lose interest in the story as it's clear at this point that Julia doesn't have a character.

Then she kills David at the end? So now she's got two bodies in her garden? This woman is getting jailed in ten seconds. It's not clever or surprising, it's just weird.

Your final shot is interesting but really random. I'm a confused reader - why have we gone extreme CGI at the end so we can see some gross shot?

I'm sorry this feedback is quite harsh, but I don't think this script works on any level. Aside from David having some good lines. It's a bit of a mess to be honest.

Am I being too harsh here?

/r/Screenwriting Thread Link - docdro.id