I feel inseure with my money.

First, learn the difference between investment and speculation.

Here is a link and an excerpt -


Benjamin Graham, along with David Dodd, attempted a precise definition of investing and speculation in their seminal work Security Analysis (1934). “An investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and a satisfactory return. Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative.”

You did not invest in cryptocurrency. You speculated in it.

Investment is when the market falls 50% and you do not lose sleep over your money, nor do you sell your stock if it rises 50/100/200%, so long as the fundamentals support your analysis and you do not need the money. Speculation is when you are giddy but meh for your security rising 100% but break into a sweat if it falls 5%

magias gave you solid advice but you want to get rich now, since you had that wealth in your hands and it slipped away like grains of sand.

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