I feel like my girlfriend wants to break up with me because I don’t go out with her in public even though she knows about my social anxiety. What should I do?

You’re living a pretty small life. How will you take care of kids, hold a job or be a productive member of society?

It’s not for your lover to diminish her life because you have anxiety. As soon as you are blaming someone else for not adjusting to your world, know that you are arguing for your limitations.

First, drop that. Then, tell your gf that you aren’t dropping the relationship because she has made you realize that you have to work on yourself. Don’t make her drop you.

I know it’s hard but surely there’s a reddit sub for this. I didn’t get therapy for it. I was hungry and needed to work so I sweat myself out of it. Take the easy way and get a counselor. It’s really worth it.

/r/Advice Thread