Feeling guilty about going home during lockdown

Hey, it's understandable to feel this way in these unprecedented times but there's absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, seriously. Loads of people have moved back home for the lockdown, and while you may have been just fine staying at uni, there's a possibility it could've been more difficult. You always have to make the right call for you and no one will be judging.

Have you been able to talk to your family or any of your uni friends/flatmates about how you're feeling? I saw your post history and really sorry to see you deal with social anxiety (I can empathise being shy and often overthinking things); I would hazard this is an effect of that, but try to discuss it with others (even just online, it's great you posted here for example), rationalize the situation best you can, and do something nice to take your mind off it. I hope you feel better in a few days (:

/r/UniUK Thread