Female cows being given female names is misogynistic

It's not an appeal to authority because I didn't use her to prove my argument in fact she disagrees with me, did you just look up logically fallacies and try to fit one in? I used that as you've tried to say that I'm uneducated when in fact I have a formal education on this very topic with a very high gpa, but that doesn't influence our discussion at all. It's merely defending myself from an ad hominem as you tried to bring up my education as evidence that I was wrong.

Did you read that article? It's about alt right men that pretend to know critical thinking but do not. I'm a liberal who's on the executive of a worker's union and a member of a diversity committee, I think that's the. wrong audience. Again, I recieved very high grades in logic and critical thinking but that doesn't make me more right, it's purely just a tool for communication which somehow still seems to be failing here.

You can't disprove value statements, only matters of fact. It's a fact that I eat meat and it's a fact that we use animals for our ends. You cannot derive an ought from an is, so it can't be a fact that it's wrong to do so, it's a value judgment about which we are arguing. The closest we will get is intersubjective agreement.

Again, I'm guessing you know all of that as you said you're educated so let's proceed and please just reply to my propositions and not try to attack my character. I want to have a discussion about whether or not it's wrong to eat an animal if you treat it well and use the most humane slaughtering techniques available.

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