Feminists of Reddit; What gendered issue sounds like Tumblrism at first, but actually makes a lot of sense when explained properly?

I was just thinking about this. It hurts me. I feel hurt for the men that have experienced the same injustices that so many women speak of. I'm a woman and I feel sympathy and empathy for them. I just wish there were more people willing to listen and believe as opposed to diverting the conversation away from women's rights.

Like when we're talking about physical abuse/violence against women and it turns into the "well men get abused too!" threads with stories about men whose girlfriends have pushed/slapped/hit them. I am so sorry for those men. I know what it's like to be abused by a significant other. Unfortunately, a FUCKTON of women can relate to those men in the thread. So many that I almost can't meet another women who hasn't experienced violence at the hand of a man. At my age, I'm more likely to go to the hospital because I've been injured by an SO than for any other reason, but that isn't true for men my age. If I punched my boyfriend in the face I'd be a shitty shitty person and it would potentially cause him a significant amount of pain. But if he punched me in the face I'd die. It's topics like that where I see the the "But what about men?" and I feel really horrible for these guys and want them to be able to talk and have their space too. The thing is I see it I can't help but think "Yeah but, what the fuck about all these women?" And it must feel terrible to be abused and try to talk about it and get the response, "Man up!" or "Get over it!" I'm so sorry. But when I talk about it, it's like every fucking girl I talk to says, "Yeah me too." I've just got the same story as everyone else. But what about the men, right?

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent