Fionn: Why Doublelift is the regular season MVP

I don't think he had to join TSM to be recognized as one of the best talents or the flat out best talent the region has ever produced.

Doublelift throughout the entirety of season 2 was considered the second best ADC in the world undisputed, essentially translating to the second best player in the world in people's opinions (Weixiao first of course).

Even with his slump where he thought playing soloqueue at all would instill bad habits, and the famous blunders, he has had a consistently high level of play for years now.

He is one of, if not the only member of the old guard, that remains great to this day. People would have to be crazy to deny that level of consistency and longevity.

He has been celebrated and talked up by other pros and analysts basically forever by now, and he has one of the biggest fanbases of any player to show that.

Doublelift has been somewhat divisive because of his personality and the way people take his trash talk, but most people weren't denying his accomplishments or legacy.

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