The first shots being fired in the student loan bubble/debt rebellion. Expect this to pick up monentum over the next few years.

It doesn't take much experience to know that TV ads are fraud. I figured that out when I was about 8 and convinced my parents to buy an advertised breakfast cereal that had a submarine as a prize in it. The TV ad showed a sub maneuvering through the water, when the actuality was a 1 inch, poorly constructed, plastic toy that you filled with baking soda, and all it did was sink to the bottom of the tub and then float, upon its side most of the time, as the baking soda reacted with water.

If you are 18-20 there is absolutely no excuse to not understand TV ads for what they are, and the onus is on you to make intelligent or stupid choices, except that if you are stupid then you can guess what choices them make about education, and the rest of your life to boot. Cheers for the government owned, operated or controlled education/indoctrination system that destroys critical thinking and replaces is with passive, unquestioned acceptance of authority.

And where are their parents and grandparents to give them guidance? Just as out of touch themselves perhaps?

I say this is survival of the fittest in action. I have plenty of vitriol to direct to the schools, except that is because they are populated with money seeking administrators, and indoctrinated professors with personality disorders themselves, who encourage gullible kids to think that they are entitled to live from the system, not that the kids themselves have not already on their own adopted personality traits along the extreme narcissist, sociopath, psychopath spectrum, driving them to indulgent failure.

It is always a tactic of failures to point the finger elsewhere.

Gee, I wonder how my wife and I both worked our ways through, undergraduate and graduate school back in the 1960's with no borrowing, and very, very little parental help, how our two daughters made it through advanced degrees, paid for by yours truly, and how my first granddaughter just graduated with a Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy last May (now earning $90,000 annually) without student loans, all paid for by the hard work of her, her parents and her grandparents. And now we have three more grandchildren with degrees in their future, and no expectations of bankers, politicians, bureaucrats, or universities giving them a free ride.

If people fail in life, the first place to look is in the mirror.

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