Florida Politics is trying to gain audience through local Florida subreddits

Soon enough FL will be as blue as VA. Sure they just elected a Republican governor who promised to ban critical race theory from classrooms, though no county in the state taught it. It was good culture bs to whip up people. The state will still vote blue in the next big election.

But all these out of towners you think moved here for "freedom" will fall back into the patterns they had up there.

So enjoy it while it lasts.

As for this guy? Who cares. There are Bernie Bro think tanks that run entire sub reddits who shit post things to the front page to try to influence.

There are 20 something tankies who think China is cool, unironically who brigade and take over subs.

What I'd like is a time when we can return to moderate politics and all the extremists can take a fucking hike.

Shit, grandpa Biden catches as much trash from leftists as dipshit Q idiots. The guy is just a wholesome old man who is trying his best and being honorable about it. More than can be said from the last guy who cheated on his mail order wife with a porn star and tried to steal an election by sending a crowd to stop the certification.

/r/tampa Thread