Florida's Supreme Court says state's voting districts were created in 2012 with "unconstitutional intent to favor the Republican Party and incumbents," must be redrawn

Yeah its pretty common. I dont always think its a bad thing.

Voting skews depending on location and region. Take florida US congressional districts. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida%27s_congressional_districts#/media/File:Florida_Congressional_Districts,_113th_Congress.tif

Sure that 5th district looks gerrymandered all to hell, and it is. But it covers the african american predominant areas in otherwise pretty conservative ones. This way you have more diversity voting for us in the Congress. This is a good thing to me.

If you do something more like this.


given how people tend to skew very democratic in population centers, you would have much different representation in congress. Just look to the second district as an example. Gwen Graham swept (granted it was red under Southerland)/ but you have an area of the state that is VERY red largely offset by registrants in the city of Tallahassee.

Now some would say "Yeah thats a good thing" but is it? Florida is a powerful swing state because no matter your association you have some votes your way. In fact we are usually so close that there have been lawsuits over the results of our elections. A state of millions of people that comes down to a few thousand seems powerful to me.

Additionally our government is stable largely due to its inefficiencies, if you allow things to swing too far one way or another you end up with situations like Greece, Italy, Portugal or the other extreme. Both are bad. Having to ahve both representations come to agreements mean change is slow, gradual and stable. This is good to me. In that way i appreciate some of the idiots of this country.

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