Food critic deigns to offer criticism of a slowcooker recipe, but his feedback receives zero stars

He'll accept yellow mustard for use in deviled eggs, egg salad, and potato salad but that's it. For those the recipe he likes is either eggs or cubed potato and then mustard, mayo, and salt. No other ingredients or seasoning.

He once told me "Food isn't for good nutrition or enjoying it. You only eat so you don't die." I honestly don't understand why he seems to hate food so much. He's actually got an appointment with a nutritionist soon because his health is getting worse since my mom died. I'm pretty sure he literally only eats ketchup, hotdogs, brats, and whatever meat is marked down because it's about to spoil, and the occasional peanut butter sandwich (On cheap store brand white bread and he complains it's not white enough because it used to be whiter when he was a kid).

I don't know what his deal was. Before my mom died she was worried he'd quickly starve to death because she said she'd never in her life seen anyone so lazy with food and if she didn't cook a meal he just wouldn't eat. I didn't think she was serious, but now I think he'll probably end up dying from his shit diet.

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